

Bellevue Jiu-Jitsu gives you a realistic chance of defending yourself against a larger more aggressive attacker. The fundamentals program is our entry level (white to blue belt) curriculum.

This course is designed to make the student street-ready by the time they reach blue belt. We focus on how to deal with the most common self-defense situations with proper strategy, timing, technique and leverage. The student will learn the basic philosophy of Jiu-Jitsu as well as be exposed to basic competition style techniques.

Advanced Training

This class allows the more experienced students the opportunity to train with other high level students and focus on more advanced grappling and fighting strategies.

The usual structure of this class is to learn an advanced technique and drill it with partners, followed by about an hour of rolling.

Kids Program

Jiu-jitsu is the most effective and at the same time most non-violent approach to self-defense in the world. We teach our students how to neutralize threats without violence. Your child will learn skills such as: discipline, anti-bullying, self-confidence, sportsmanship, respect, improved physical fitness, and self-defense.

Classes currently offered at our Omaha location led by Professor Dennis Bacon.

Bellevue Academy Kids Program coming soon.

Preparing for Class

This is a contact sport and out of respect for your fellow students it is important to come to class with good hygiene and a clean Gi or No Gi attire.

Nails should be clipped and long hair should be pulled back.

No Gi attire should be free of zippers, buttons and pockets.

In addition to clean Gi/No Gi wear you will want to bring:

  • sandals

  • mouth guard

  • water bottle